By Dr. Syvilla Pristell, SAVED News Theological Correspondent
In all my years of studying the Word, I was not able to associate the Bible and teachings of Jesus with the status of America. It was in a personal shut in, just recently, that God revealed to me the co-relation of St. John 4:1-42. You see the first verses revealed a competition among religious folk between the reputation of John the Baptist and Jesus. Word was that Jesus was baptizing more people than John the Baptist. We seem to be so bothered by our outward appearance to others. This mere statement made other Jewish leaders frightened. Jesus was getting too much reputation with the people. He posed a threat to the authority of others over the people.
Our struggles with HURT actually begin when we become offended or hurt over situations where others seem to be more accepted than us. In fellowships, the hurts come from being over-looked, not feeling accepted, sometimes embarrassed in front of others. We differ in opinions and one begins to legislate their opinion over others. (Does this sound like America today?)
The real truth, as in St. John 4:1-42, was that Jesus had to address the RELIGION of the day by saying to the Samaritan woman, but one day Jews will accept Samaritans. The real issue is not that Jews want speak to you.
She tried to manipulate the conversation to again impose her opinion. But you ask me for water and you don’t even have a bucket or a pail. Woman the issue is that you don’t have a husband and the one you are with is not yours. YOU have a LOVE issue. You are not able to love others in spite of their faults, because you haven’t experienced love in the natural- BUT the water that I bring will heal all love issues and bring you to your DESTINY!
Inside her was the destiny of the Samaritans.
Result of facing her truth:
She ran to preach the truth of this everlasting water and brought men to Jesus.
What is the REAL hurt inside of you?
Is that hurt holding up your destiny?
Let’s pray:
Lord help me to face the hurts inside of me. Help me to overcome the issues of what others do to me. Help me to “Break Out” of this rut.
I decree that my destiny is not sickness, anger, rage to thoughts of murder. My destiny is healing, forgiveness, power, love and a sound mind.
Today I declare a freedom from the root that lodged in me, a root of bitterness. I pluck the pain of hurt out of me now. I forgive those that hurt me and I thank you Lord for releasing me to my destiny.
Now go into the community and do an act of kindness. Work at a shelter and feed the homeless. Give someone else the smile you needed while you were hurting from church hurt.