The weekend of April 10 – 11, 2021 has been designated as the 31st Annual “Just Pray NO!” to drugs Worldwide Weekend of Prayer and Fasting. Since April 7th, 1991 “Just Pray NO!” Ltd. has sought to unite Christians from around the world in intercessory prayer on behalf of the addicted and their families. Not only is substance abuse America’s number one health problem, the devastation of alcoholism and other drug addiction has impacted families and communities worldwide. Substance abuse has been directly linked to violence and sexual immorality and is a major source of income for organized crime and terrorist activities. The “War on Drugs” directly impacts the “War on Crime” and the “War on Terrorism!”
Make a formal commitment to join with believers in Christ from around the globe to pray for the addicted and their families. Put on the full armor of God and fervently pray in spirit and in truth. We are again seeking to enlist millions of prayer warriors from around the world to join us in battle!
We are not only praying for the release of those bound by substance abuse but also for people to be delivered from pornography, gambling and obesity.
Empowered and directed by God the Spirit, the body of Christ should pray to God the Father in the name of Jesus Christ for the following specific prayer points:
1. Pray that the Holy Spirit brings conviction of guilt as to sin, righteousness and judgment to those bound by addiction. (John 16:8-11)
2. On behalf of the addicted, break every stronghold, demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God. Pray that their every thought be taken captive in obedience to Christ. (2 Corinthians 10:5)
3. Pray that our fast will be pleasing to God and will set the oppressed free and break every yoke of addiction. (Isaiah 58:6)
4. Pray that the addicted will seek after God with all of their heart, soul, mind and strength (Deuteronomy 4:29) and will place their trust in Jesus Christ as both Savior and Lord.
5. Pray that those who are enslaved to carnal desires will be set free and instead hunger and thirst for the Word of God and the righteousness of Christ.
(Deuteronomy 8:3; Matthew 6:33)
Churches, ministries and community organizations can actively participate in the 31st Annual “Just Pray NO!” Worldwide Weekend of Prayer event by following one or more of our suggested activities or by creating one of your own. Be sure to publicize your local event by sending out press releases at least three weeks in advance.
Concerts of prayer
Rallies and marches to promote awareness and media support
Sermons and Bible studies concerning substance abuse
Church outreach to the addicted
Support of existing substance prevention and rehabilitation programs
Establish a support group at your church
Open in prayer
Allot a minimum of 20-30 minutes for corporate worship
Personal testimony or testimonies (limit to 30-40 minutes total time):
Contact your local chapter of Teen Challenge, Victorious Overcomers, Salvation Army, Celebrate Recovery or other Christ-centered substance abuse rehabilitation program and schedule two or three persons to give their testimony
Sermon (suggested time 30-45 minutes)
Altar call
Close in prayer