By: Azlea Hubbard, SAVED News Editor-In-Chief
Updated: 10/9/18 at 11:00 am
President Trump and Nikki Haley sits for a press conference. The President said it’s been a pleasure working with her and that she “gets it.” He hates to lose her and maybe she’ll come back in a different capacity. She will be leaving at the end of the year to take a break. He continued by thanking her for her service.
Nikki Haley said that it’s been an honor of a lifetime and a blessing to be able to serve the country for two years. Other countries might not like what we do, the respect what we do. They know that the US follows through, we say what we mean. She quoted her successes as Ambassador to the UN. The US is strong again and we should be proud.
She thanks the President, the First Lady; Jared and Ivanka; her husband Michael and their 2 children; and team UN. She will remain until the end of the year to usher in her replacement.
She said it’s been an 8 years of intense time from governor for 6 years to Ambassador for two and she believes in term limits. She believes it’s important for government officials to know when it’s time to step down. The truth is that the she wants to make sure the President has the strongest person to fight and it’s time for her to step down.
President Trump reiterated Haley’s accomplishments and wanted to thank her in front of the world because it’s appropriate to thank someone that’s done a great job. She’s made the position more glamorous and more people want to fill the position.
The President said that a replacement will be name within the next few weeks.
Original post:
US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley resigns. She told President Trump 6-months ago that she wanted to take a break by the end of this year. However, this announcement comes as a shock to Capital Hill. In the world of unprecedented leaks from the White House, this revelation may go down as one of the best well kept secrets. Haley only informed her staff this morning that she had tenured her letter of resignation.
She stated she will not be a candidate for president in 2020; however, she’ll support President Trump in his bid for reelection in 2020. Nothing is set as to where she will go after her resignation. This is more of a personal decision rather than a political decision.
Haley, former governor of South Carolina, has been an intricate member of the White House foreign policy.
This article will be updated as more information is released.