2 min 5 yrs
Many Christian leaders are speaking out against California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s order prohibiting singing in churches. Pastor Samuel Rodriguez, president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, is leading the charge, saying it’s “completely discriminatory.”

The Bible is clear that singing is a central part of the Christian faith. In the New Testament, Colossians 3:16 says, “Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God.”

As CBN News reported, The Golden State’s new guidance went into effect on July 1. People are free to attend public worship services, but Gov. Newsom says they can’t sing or chant in those services. Telling them to just keep that part of their worship at home.

In a post to Instagram on July 3, Rodriguez, who also serves as the senior pastor of the New Season Christian Worship Center in Sacramento, CA, wrote: “I publicly commended the governor of California for his initial response to this pandemic. As a member of the national COVID-19 recovery commission, I affirm the CDC recommendations. However, I believe Newsom’s order regarding singing is completely discriminatory. How can you permit, not for one day, but for many days, tens of thousands to march in protest without wearing masks and then demand that 100 worshipers refrain from singing?”

“The coronavirus task force reported in the past 48 hours that one of the primary reasons many states, including California, are experiencing a spike is directly related to the protests and marches (not church gatherings). What is next? What else will the governor demand from the church in the name of COVID-19? We are what we tolerate,” Rodriguez continued.
Reposted from @cbnnews

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