SAVED News is casting for Talk Show Hosts, actors/actresses, singers, dancers, comedians, chefs, decorators, etc.; males and females ages 18 and older. Bring your talent on Saturday, January 30, 2016 from 1 until 4 pm at the Arts Council Building, 102 N. John St., Suite 4, Goldsboro, NC.
Casting for multiple television projects. We are seeking:
* Talented, creative, and reliable talent for ongoing projects.
* Bring your own material, you will be given 3 minutes to audition.
* Bring a photo, contact #, and email. Photo does NOT have to be a professional headshot, a regular photo is fine.
* All auditions are filmed, we encourage you to dress to impress and in full makeup.
* Inappropriate material is strictly prohibited. Not profanity, nudity, graphic material, etc.
* This is a free audition, if you represented by a manager, bring their contact information.