By Callie Mitchell, SAVED News International Correspondent, Jerusalem, Israel
Through September, AZ and I focused on the Fall Holy Days for our show “What’s Going on In Israel?” And that’s precisely because, the fall Holy Days ARE what’s going on in Israel!
It was a tremendous blessing to share with you all about the Lord’s Appointed Times and the prophetic meaning behind the events on His calendar. We discussed the broad overview of the calendar, how Messiah Yeshua fulfilled the Spring Holy Days in His lifetime— He died at Passover, resurrected at First Fruits, and the Holy Spirit was given at Shavuot (the Feast of Weeks)— but primarily focused on how He will fulfill the fall Holy Days at His return.
We began the first in this three-series teaching with Rosh Hashanah, the Feast of Trumpets. This feast represents the sound of the shofar! The trumpet blow, the voice of the Lord that announces the beginning of the Great Tribulation.
We celebrate the 10 Days of Awe following Rosh Hashanah which concludes on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. In scripture, this is the time the high priest mediated on behalf of Israel to offer atonement for their sins. On the prophetic calendar, it is the Day Messiah Yeshua returns to the earth in the manner that He left— in the clouds, landing on the Mount of Olives. We will experience Him in full as both our Passover Lamb and our High Priest, covering us from the wrath of God.
Lastly, we have Sukkot, the Feast of Tabernacles! This is a joyful feast for the last 8 days (7 plus 1 Shabbat). We are commanded to build tabernacles to dwell in during that time, remembering both when Israel dwelled in the wilderness and the end of the harvest season. Prophetically, this is the great ingathering of all believers in Messiah Yeshua, the ultimate final harvest! It represents the Millennial Kingdom, in which Messiah Yeshua will reign for 1,000 years on earth. We will tabernacle with Him, and during this time, every nation on the earth will send a delegation to visit Jerusalem during the feast of Sukkot.
It was a great joy to assemble these teachings for you all, especially in light of the times we live. As the world has gone through some difficult experiences, from Covid, global totalitarianism, problems in Afghanistan, and even a volcano erupting on the Canary Islands, I’ve certainly had to wrestle with discouragement, and trust that others have as well. I fully believe we are at the end of the age, and as we walk through the “birth pains” of this season, we need to remain solidly focused on Yeshua.
As “watchman on the wall” we aren’t primarily looking for the signs of the times, but rather, for the Lord. The Holy Days is a great time to keep that focus. Writing these teachings certainly helped reorient my mindset, and I hope it will for you all as well. If you haven’t taken the time to watch, please look for these episodes on all of the Saved News platforms!