NEWS PROVIDED BY Christian Defense Coalition
WASHINGTON, / Saved News/ — The gathering will be on Friday, December 24, at 10:00 a.m. at the U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree which is on the west lawn of the Capitol grounds and is sponsored by the Christian Defense Coalition.
The Celebration will include the singing of Christmas Carols, reading the narrative of Christ’s birth and praying for our nation and political leaders.
On their website, the USDA/Forest Service lists the prohibitions of what cannot be displayed on the 2021 U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree.
The official government guidelines say, “religious symbols” are prohibited from being displayed on the U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree.
Here is a link to the USDA/Forest Service website address:
It is hard to comprehend decorations of “Bigfoot” are being displayed on the U.S. Capitol Christmas tree, but ornaments of the Baby Jesus and the Nativity are being prohibited.
In an email to the Architect of the Capitol and the Capitol Police Board several weeks ago, the Christian Defense Coalitions asks if that prohibition on religious symbols includes, Nativity Displays, Baby Jesus or the Holy Family.
The group also asks are there any ornaments on the U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree which display or celebrate the birth of Christ.
Neither the Architect of the Capitol or the Capitol Police Board have replied.
Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Washington, D.C. based Christian Defense Coalition, comments;
“The ‘People’s House,’ as the US Capitol Building is so rightly called, must be a place where all Americans should be afforded the right to come and peacefully celebrate and express their First Amendment Rights.
“That is why it was so troubling when I read the official guidelines for ornaments on the 2021 U.S. Capitol Christmas included these words; ‘Decorations cannot include religious symbols.’
“Since the definition of Christmas is, ‘the annual festival celebrating Christ’s birth,’ it should be of deep concern ornaments depicting His birth are prohibited and censored from being on the U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree by the order of a government agency.
“It is hard to comprehend decorations of ‘Bigfoot’ are being displayed on the U.S. Capitol Christmas tree, but ornaments of the Baby Jesus and the Nativity are being prohibited.”
For more information or interview
Please contact: Rev. Patrick Mahoney at 540.538.4741
SOURCE Christian Defense Coalition
CONTACT: Rev. Patrick Mahoney, 540-538-4741
Image Courtesy : Architects of the Capitol