MEDIA ADVISORY — As a young nation, Americans annually set aside a day to pray for the future leaders of our nation attending colleges and universities. This prayer focus faded away for nearly 100 years until a group of college ministers resurrected the day of prayer in 2009.
History was made on February 28, 2019, when every college campus in America was adopted and prayed for on a single day — the first time this has happened in over 100 years.
On February 27, 2020, we are believing the Lord to do it again.
The Collegiate Day of Prayer (CDOP) seeks to mobilize the body of Christ to adopt every campus in America for a day of united prayer. The goal is to see every college and university in America restored to the purposes of God.
We are asking every Christian to adopt a campus that is close to their heart or home, using an interactive campus map at www.CollegiateDayofPrayer.org/map/.
Interactive Prayer Meeting:
On the evening of the Collegiate Day of Prayer (Feb. 27), from 8–10 p.m. ET, there will be a simulcast interactive prayer meeting from the historic Dwight Chapel on the campus of Yale University. Bob Bakke, veteran broadcast prayer leader, and the CDOP leadership team will give guidance to the evening of prayer for campuses and our nation’s future leaders.