BY : Michael Foust ChristianHeadlines.com Contributor
It is the largest gospel initiative in the history of the ministry and is being conducted in partnership with a local missions ministry, Mountain Gateway.
“The inaugural campaign of Buenas Nuevas Nicaragua was beyond words – the Holy Spirit moved in a mighty way!” evangelist Nathan Morris, who founded Shake the Nations Ministries in 2006, wrote on his Facebook page. “… Witches had attempted to place sacrifices and curses around the field to stop the people from coming and hearing the gospel, but the Lion of Judah roared, and the devil was defeated tonight! Signs, wonders, miracles, and thousands of salvations displayed the authority of Jesus Christ! Every knee shall bow! Somotillo for Jesus!”
Morris says Nicaragua is “ripe” for a gospel harvest. He will lead four events in the next two months alone: Chinandega (March 17-18), Leon (March 31-April 1), Esteli (April 14-15) and Ocotal (April 28-29).
Evangelist Mauricio Canales of Shake the Nations said, “souls are being added to the kingdom” in Nicaragua.
“The Holy Spirit is already moving in a mighty way on the ground of Nicaragua,” Morris said.
The Nicaraguan campaign, Morris noted, has seen “thousands of churches” and “thousands of pastors and leaders” coming together “from all denominations, in one spirit, with one accord, that the gospel of Jesus Christ would be preached in the nation of Nicaragua.”
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