4 min 6 dys

BY  :  Jennifer Moreno   Christian Today


The Evangelicals for Harris campaign has been threatened with legal action after using footage of the late evangelist Billy Graham in adverts attacking Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.

One Evangelicals for Harris ad features Graham delivering a sermon in 1988 in which he tells the crowds, “But you must realise that in the last days, the times will be full of danger. Men will become utterly self-centred and greedy for money.”

It then switches to footage of Trump at one of his rallies, saying, “My whole life I’ve been greedy, greedy, greedy. I’ve grabbed all the money I could get. I’m so greedy.”

A cease-and-desist letter was sent to the campaign group by lawyers acting for the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA), which is run by Graham’s son Franklin Graham.

The BGEA asserts that use of the footage is in breach of copyright. A spokesperson for the organisation said, “It may be worth noting that, in all of his years of ministry and across relationships with 11 US presidents, Billy Graham sought only to encourage them and to offer them the counsel of Christ, as revealed through God’s Word.

“He never criticised presidents publicly and would undoubtedly refuse to let his sermons be used to do so, regardless of who is involved.”

Evangelicals for Harris has made a formal legal response in which it dismisses the claims and says that “there is absolutely no basis to assert that the use of this footage constitutes copyright infringement or any other violation of your rights”.

“Our ability to publicly discuss the moral failings of Donald Trump and how his behaviour comports with the values espoused by evangelical leaders, including Billy Graham, is essential First Amendment expression,” the letter reads.

“Our communications, our references to Billy Graham, and this larger discussion of our community’s values are absolutely critical to a healthy democracy.

“Your efforts to stop us from bringing Billy Graham’s perspectives to bear on today’s challenges are meritless, disappointingly cynical, and very much at odds with his values.

“The call to repentance was a central pillar of the Billy Graham Crusades and his alter call [sic], and it is inappropriate for BGEA to seek to shield Donald Trump from it or prevent Americans from hearing Donald Trump reject it.”

Evangelicals for Harris was founded by Rev Jim Ball, formerly associated with the Evangelical Environmental Network and Evangelicals for Biden. Its members include Franklin Graham’s niece, Jerushah Duford.

The response letter from Evangelicals for Harris concluded by saying that they are prepared to go to court over the matter.

“Franklin has placed his hope in a man and a darkness we saw manifest when police lines were overrun at our nation’s Capitol on January 6, in Springfield this past month, and in the spirit of fear and anger fed at every Trump rally Franklin attends. Our hope is not in any man or woman but in Christ alone,” the group said.

“Our call is to serve, to witness Christ’s love and compassion, and to follow His example of standing between the hypocritical religious leaders and the social outcast. We know the law is on our side in this case. If Franklin follows through on his threats, we’ll see him in court.”


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