By Klay Luque, SAVED News International Correspondent, Jamaica
Keeping the faith has never been reliant on situations of convenience. It is easy to feel secure in our faith when things are going well. We don’t doubt the goodness of God and his power to save. This strong sense of confidence is not always present when things start to go wrong.
This year has been a series of things going from bad to worse to catastrophic. If we’re not careful, we will lose ourselves in the anxiety and tension that threatens to invade our mind. Instead of losing faith during this time, we should seek to plant ourselves firmly in the word of God and strengthen our faith.
God’s Preparation For Us
God has not left us without instructions, warnings, and encouragement about the things that will occur during the last days. As we watch them unfold, we should rejoice in the all-powerful and all-knowing nature of God, and His mercy. Every day that we spend above ground is an opportunity to make things right and to prepare our hearts and souls to meet him in the earth made new.
When we walk in the Spirit and live in faith, we experience freedom from the negative emotions that come with the realities of our time. We are not removed physically from the turmoil, but the Spirit shelters us. When we hope for deliverance and salvation, it is through faith that we believe that God’s promises are sure.
Our faith should make us bold enough to stand in the face of uncertainty and declare Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me, thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. (Psalm 23:4).
Faith requires strength, but be encouraged, as our power is in God. When He invites us to be still, He calls us to a state of faith that leads to His promised peace. We cannot unwrite the Word of God, but we can prove it to be true. Yes, we are living in the days that rest towards the final page, but we know how the story ends. We know that God is the resurrection and the life, and if we keep living in faith, we can be with Him in the end.