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BY  :  GodUpdates www.godupdates.com 


Social media platforms, more often than not, are nothing more than a treacherous, vile wasteland of profanity, snark, lies and other useless content. However, when utilized correctly, social media can be a tool for good, something that can change the direction and trajectory of someone’s entire life.

Jackie Gansky has millions of online followers on platforms like TikTok and Instagram. When the young woman spotted Hugh Murray and his three young boys – ages 3, 5, and 6 – living in a van in a Los Angeles area park in late July, she decided to get to work. She felt the need to lend a hand to people in need, according to ABC 7.

The outlet reports that Hugh and his children had been homeless for seven months at that time.

After seeing their living condition, Jackie immediately offered to pay for Hug and his children to spend several nights in a motel. Once they were in a safe environment for a few days, Jackie went online and explained the situation to her followers.

Inspire More reports that in two days, Jackie and her followers came through in a big way. They raised $40,000 for the family through a GoFundMe page.

More than $100,000 Raised for Previously Homeless Family of Four

But they weren’t even close to done. The help and monetary donations just kept coming. Currently, the money raised for Hugh and his three children stands at more than $104,000.

In a message on the GoFundMe page, Jackie writes how the donations have been used to get them shelter, food and clothing.

Additionally, Jackie, Inspire More reports, was able to get Hugh a new car after his van broke down.

Also, in September, Jackie, thanks to the generosity of donors, found an apartment for the family of four, paying their rent for an entire year.

Additionally, thanks to Jackie and the kindness of others, Hugh’s three children are now attending school for the first time in their lives.

It’s truly stunning what a little bit of unexpected kindness can do in the life of someone struggling and hurting. People, despite what social media may show, still have the capacity to care for someone else. People still possess the ability to lend a hand and help a fellow human being.

“He that has pity on the poor lends to the Lord, and that which he has given will he pay him again.” – Proverbs 19:17

This content originally appeared on GodUpdates.com; used with permission.


Photo Credit: ©ABC7

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