2 min 4 mths

BY   :  Staff writer   Christian Today


The head of the Catholic Church in England and Wales is urging people to get out and vote ahead of the general election on 4 July.

Cardinal Vincent Nichols said it was a “privilege” to be able to vote and asked people to be active rather than passive in engaging with politicians and expressing their views on key issues.

He especially appealed to young adults to be “willing to get involved and vote”.

Nichols said that whoever is in power after 4 July, they should work to support families.

“You want to know what your candidate will think and say on your behalf when that candidate gets into Parliament,” he said in a recorded message.

“I would like to put forward a theme for us all to think about. How do we seek to construct a society in which families can flourish? That’s the bedrock – many positive things flow from that.”

He encouraged voters to get informed about key issues before the election “so that when it comes to 4 July, you’ve got in your mind what you want to see the next government strive to achieve”, pointing to guidance on the Bishops’ Conference website.

The cardinal added, “My view is that our next government should strive to create the circumstances in which families can flourish. So please get ready to vote on 4 July.”

While Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and opposition leader Sir Keir Starmer have been out on the campaign trail wooing voters, latest polling by Electoral Calculus has predicted a landslide victory for Labour with the Conservatives being reduced to just 66 seats.


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