3 min 5 yrs

The Corona Virus pandemic has become the reason behind the implementation of lockdown and changes in several countries. Greg Dailey is a frame shop owner in New Jersey besides his 25 years running job as a newspaper delivery man.  However, shutting down his shop has given him greater motives in life.

His story of inspiration began when an 88-year-old lady asked him to keep the newspaper closer to her door because she couldn’t walk long to get it. This incident gave Greg an idea. His words to CNN, CBS evening news and other interviewers were; “If she can’t walk 20 feet to get her newspaper, how is she getting groceries? So, I called her and asked if she needed anything.” In her response, she asked for a small thing as well as another thing for her neighbor.

Photo Source: (Yahoo) Greg  Dailey

Greg’s immediate further thought that he shared with CNN was; “I deliver (newspapers) to 450 customers who live in senior developments,” Dailey said. “These are two people who live within a hundred feet of each other who can’t get out to get groceries. What about the rest of them?”

Hence, the next day, along with the newspapers, Greg left a note to all the senior citizens. The note read:

Source: CNN

Ever since then, he and his entire family has been working on this act of kindness. His daughter Erin, aged 24, helps him to keep records and discount codes of the orders and the father-daughter duo makes a great team! For elderly people who aren’t very much tech-friendly, he gives a personal service to them often. Greg and sometimes his family members as well just leave off the groceries on people’s doorsteps or garages and maintain social distancing. They work all day until 7 or 9 pm and takes meal breaks in between.

Feedback of Love:

Greg has received so many prayers and so much appreciation that his heart fills with satisfaction and drives away tiredness. People have been looking at him as a savior, lifeline, and superhero as well as somebody who will go straight to heaven. Older people are prone to this virus and that is why Greg has no plans of stopping and he promises to always be there if anybody needs him. Recently, he has also joined an NGO called “love a senior” and continues to work humbly without expecting anything in return.


By: Nehla Zohaira, SAVED News International Correspondent, South Asia

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