By Azlea Hubbard, SAVED News Editor-In-Chief
Ten years ago when Iris Battle suffered devastating health issues that cause her to lose her eyesight she thought the possibility of ever seeing again was beyond her reach. Fast forward ten years and the possibility is real. Unbelievably her eleven-year-old granddaughter Summer Battle was surfing the web for solutions and found high tech electronic eyeglasses by eSight that could possibly work. Little Summer didn’t stop there, she was persistent and proceeded to fill out the survey on the company’s website.
After being contacted by the eSight, Iris traveled to Raleigh, NC for an evaluation and to try on the glasses. Iris went by faith and not by sight because she knew before traveling to Raleigh that there was the possibility that the eyeglasses wouldn’t work for her as they don’t work for everyone. Sitting in the chair with her loved ones surrounding her, Iris slipped on the glasses. Tears of joy and excitement streamed down Iris’ face when she was able to see her son for the first time in ten years.
According to eSight’s website: “eSight is a pair of electronic glasses that let the visually impaired see. They are worn comfortably like a normal pair of glasses. eSight is the only clinically validated device, in existence, that enables those living with vision loss to see, be mobile, and engage in virtually any Activity of Daily Living. Almost instantly after putting them on, an individual with low vision can see in virtually the same manner as someone who is fully sighted can.”
Since eSight electronic eyeglasses are groundbreaking technology, they’re very expensive. eSight 3 costs $9,995 USD. An EyeSight Giving page has been started to help Iris purchase the glasses http://giving.esighteyewear.com/iris-battle
Iris said, “To be honest with you, I don’t want eSight so I can go on some extravagant adventures or witness a special event. That would just be a nice little-added bonus. Truthfully, I need eSight so I can again begin living life the way it was meant to be lived. I just want to be able to experience the things we all take for granted. To watch a movie with my family and friends, read a book, see the faces of all of you amazing people reading this and thinking about contributing, or to just see my own smile again.