By Callie Mitchell, SAVED News International Correspondent, Jerusalem, Israel
As current events unfold, I believe we are in the midst of one the largest manifestations of a spirit of Jezebel that’s happened in history. Sin hidden for decades is coming to light, and fear tactics have plagued us from every angle. We need to be awake to what we are facing. Normally teachings on this spirit are focused on false authority and control through manipulation, intimidation, and domination, but there are blessings that come from being refined by contending with Jezebel!
Several years ago I had to deal with an abuser, a person operating in that spirit. It was a seriously painful season, but through the study of scripture, I came out of the confusion about what was going on. The particulars are not important now as much as the fact that I stopped “tolerating that woman Jezebel.” (Rev 2:20). The Lord had not made me a victim, but an overcomer and a conqueror (and YOU too!). His word reveals an anointing for the conquerors of Thyatira who do not hold to Jezebel’s teachings (Rev 2:26-28). They were given authority over the nations, a rod of iron for which to rule, and the Morning Star (Yeshua)!
After I got the support I needed to break ties with that person, the Lord brought our founding editor at Saved News, Azlea Hubbard, into my life and she asked me to write for her. That “divine appointment” confirmed what the Lord promised in His word. He gave me the ability to minister to the nations from Israel, via my hometown, as I partnered with her ministry. Writing for you all has been one of my favorite acts of ministry for about seven years now.
Coming through that fire in a personal way, also gave me eyes to see the conflict we face with radical Islam here in Israel quite differently. Mohammad, who founded Islam, grew up attending a Baal temple, and remember, Jezebel was the daughter of a Baal priest. That is the origin of the religious system he propagated as a false prophet. Having seen the Lord’s power as greater than Jezebel’s provided the confidence or a “rod of iron” with which to walk the streets of Jerusalem through military conflicts with Gaza and the “knife intifada” where we experienced multiple terrorist stabbings a day.
When I look back on that painful and confusing season, I do so with thanksgiving because of the truth sown into my heart, and the way the Lord equipped me for ministry. This last year, 2020, has been a pressure cooker for a lot of us, but continue to stand firm. The Lord is bigger than this. He is revealing His wonders in a mighty way. We are a privileged generation, not only to watch this unfold but also to partner with Him in the process. I believe He is building His bride into the conquerors of Thyatira for the sake of sharing Yeshua to the ends of the earth! Stand firm in truth and get ready!