5 min 1 yr

BY  :   Milton Quintanilla  Contributor for ChristianHeadlines.com

“A lot of people’s moral compass and the guidelines that they’ve used and follow to live a just and righteous life has come from religion. And unfortunately, a lot of very intelligent people, they dismiss all the positive aspects of religion because they think that the stories are mere superstitious fairy tales, that they have no place in this modern world; ‘we’re inherently good, and your ethics are based on your own moral compass, and we all have one,’ and that’s not necessarily true.”

According to The Christian Post, Rogan referred to how soldiers traumatized as a result of war is one sign of the absence of a moral guide.

“It’s a f—-d up world we live in,” he said. “We need Jesus. For real, like if you came back now, like Jesus, if you’re thinking about coming back, right now, now’s a good time. Now’s a good time. We’re kind of f—-d.”

Rodgers noted how many people believe Jesus Christ is returning soon, adding “it might be the mark of the beast.”

Rogan explained that the need for divine intervention is more evident now based on the direction the world is going.

“It might be, we reach a certain point where we’re so unmanageable and so chaotic, that something comes down and gives us a guideline,” Rogan said. “I mean, this is what Moses essentially experienced, supposedly, when he came back with his Ten Commandments.”

Rodgers concurred with Rogan, adding that even non-religious people find their own “religion” through other ways, including science or environmentalism. At the same time, however, he asserted a belief in something greater than ourselves.

“Everything we do matters,” the quarterback said. “I think atheists can find their own religion. It might be the religion of science, or religion of climate change, or whatever it might be, but to not believe in a higher power means that really nothing we do matters, and ultimately, I live and I die, and that’s it. So whatever purpose you might have, it’s short-lived. It’s just for this. There’s nothing else going on. I have a hard time with that because I believe there’s a seen world and an unseen world. And there’s forces of good and forces of evil, and that there’s a purpose for all this and there’s a lot of reasons why we’re doing this. There’s a lot of opportunities to do this. I’d like to get it right this time around.”

“If there is the Christianity part and Jesus wants to come back and save everything…” Rodgers began, “…It’d be good right around now,” Rogan interjected.

Image credit: ©Getty Images/Rob Kim/Stringer

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