By Callie Mitchell, SAVED News International Correspondent, Jerusalem, Israel
Isaiah 5: 20 tells us “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!”
The last 20 months have unquestionably highlighted this upside kingdom of the present age uniquely. We’ve exchanged “normal” for what should really be understood as “extreme,” and we’ve done so on a global scale.
Recently, an Israeli professor at MIT, Dr. Restef Levi, a researcher in safety and risk management in healthcare, addressed the US Senate on the issue of Federal Vaccine Mandates. He presented his research on increased rates of cardiovascular problems in correlation with Israel’s vaccine campaign, but what I found profound was how he spoke to the worldview shift that’s taken place in society:
“While its being called the mainstream narrative, I personally find it very extreme. In fact, I’m quite sure that it will be considered extreme by any fundamental principle we have about management of global pandemics, until two years ago.”
Furthermore, Dr. Levi added, “Any attempt to deviate from the main narrative today is faced with a wall of hostility, rejection, and even elimination…”
I wholeheartedly agree with him. This is not only relevant to the science community, but to all of us. As a society, we have adopted “extremes” as the “new normal” and anyone who challenges the mainstream narrative faces being bullied, gaslighted as one being the extremist and even accused of being unloving.
Thinking rationally about where we are in history, this Isaiah 5:20 inversion is very clear. For example, wanting to enter a restaurant without revealing your health records is normal, while being required to present a Green Passport showing vaccine status is extreme. Trusting that asymptomatic people are most likely healthy, is normal and the historical medical approach. Treating everyone as a potential threat with masking, lockdowns, and social distancing is actually the extreme. Declining an irreversible medical procedure that you do not want or need is a normal response to healthcare. Mass enforcement of a medical procedure, particularly one still considered to be in an experimental phase is extreme — It’s even more extreme is that it is being issued to children.
Yet anyone attempting to walk in the historical norms will be chastised due to the fear that plagues so many of our neighbors. This fear of death from the virus has caused so many to ignore or relegate the losses that have come from such extreme measures as secondary to that one issue. Viewing all other concerns through such a myopic lens is really unbalanced and not a sound-minded way of looking at the world (2 Tim 1:7).
Those of us who are holding to the actual “normal” is not extremist. Rather, we truly fighting the good fight, and we need to keep speaking truth into this lie that the extreme is the normal, healthy, appropriate way of doing things. When we speak what is true, it doesn’t return void. We may save hearts, physical and spiritual, for doing so.