The U.S. military is suffering an alarming increase in casualties and fatalities, and Joe Biden’s mandate will increase them even more. Liberty Counsel is fighting to stop it.
Liberty Consel : We need YOUR help RIGHT NOW to STOP JOE BIDEN in the courts. Give now and a 500,000-dollar Matching Grant will double your donation. But we only have until midnight, December 31, to meet the deadline. —Mat
Military deaths by suicide are reportedly four times higher than deaths in combat over the past two decades—30,178 active-duty personnel and veterans who served since 9/11 have died by suicide. That’s an average of 1,508 suicides per year, four lives per day. During COVID, the suicide rate rose by 20-25%.
Those numbers are likely to increase as a result of the outrageous tactics Biden’s Department of Defense (DOD) is deploying against religious service members trying to serve God and country, according to the chaplains we represent in our landmark class action lawsuit, Navy SEAL 1 v. Biden.
One of the military chaplains we represent, Chaplain Timothy*, has served in the Navy nearly 20 years. In all that time, he has never witnessed such shocking treatment of Christian service members by their own government and chain of command.
Service members who submitted religious exemption requests have been threatened with dishonorable discharge beginning as soon as this week, loss of all earned benefits and retirement, and even threats that they will have to pay back education and training costs, and their travel home from overseas installations. Some members have even been threatened with military imprisonment!
Timothy and other chaplains fear the pressure to get the shots or face severe punishment will cause shocking suicide rates to climb even higher.
“There have been many tears shed in my office by Sailors affected by the COVID shot mandates who have been in distress over their moral dilemma to follow orders or to follow their spiritual convictions and sincerely held religious beliefs,” wrote Chaplain Timothy in his sworn testimony.
The chaplain says, “Almost every sailor who was faithful in attending chapel has also submitted religious accommodation requests regarding the COVID shot mandate in order to maintain his or her sincere religious beliefs.”
As the Department of Defense (DOD) admitted when we were in court last month, the Biden administration has NOT GRANTED ANY RELIGIOUS ACCOMMODATION request submitted by military members.
Meanwhile, the U.S. military’s own study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Cardiology, ADMITTED that the COVID shots CAUSED myocarditis and pericarditis—potentially deadly heart conditions—in service members. The problem is especially prevalent in young men 16 to 30 years old.
This lawless push to put a needle in every arm is dangerous when compared to the effect COVID itself has had on the military. As of December 7, 2021, the Air Force has a survival rate of 99.9998% from COVID.
These brave men and women of the U.S. military are being given a choice between dishonoring God while endangering their bodies or losing their livelihood, future and freedom.
But Joe Biden does not care. He continues to cast aside reason and the law in favor of a mad quest to force a COVID jab in every arm.
America has suffered under this insane COVID tyranny long enough. We need YOU to help us finish the fight. Now, thanks to a generous 500,000-dollar matching funds campaign, every donation made between now and the end of the year will be DOUBLED to help us win these legal fights. But we only have until December 31 to reach the goal. Please, give generously so that not one more service member’s life is lost to Biden’s lawlessness.
Thank you for your support. And remember, be strong and courageous during these difficult times, for the Lord goes before us.
“Some trust in chariots, and others in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God” (Ps. 20:7).
May God bless you and keep you!
Mat Staver
Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
*Name has been changed to protect the client’s identity.
Montgomery, Jay, Margaret Ryan, Renata Engler, Donna Hoffman, Bruce McClenathan, Limone Collins, David Loran, et al. 2021. “Myocarditis Following Immunization with MRNA COVID-19 Vaccines in Members of the US Military.” JAMA Cardiology, June. doi.org/10.1001/jamacardio.2021.2833.
“Resources & Research.” Liberty Counsel, 2021. LC.org/vaccine.
Rivas, Kayla. 2021. “Myocarditis after COVID-19 Vaccination Higher in Military Population than Expected, Study Finds.” Fox News. June 30, 2021. foxnews.com/health/myocarditis-covid-19-vaccination-military-study.
Image Courtest : Liberty Counsel