0 3 min 6 mths

Tucker Carlson Warns ‘There Is a Spiritual Battle’ Targeting Trump and Christians

BY  :  Milton Quintanilla  Crosswalk Headlines Contributor   Conservative political commentator Tucker Carlson contended that the recent attempted assassination against former president Donald Trump is further evidence of evil forces at work in the United States. “I think what happened on Saturday, the assassination attempt against […]

0 7 min 2 yrs

Conservative Christians aren’t the only ones asking for accommodation in mailman case

BY  :  Yonat Shimron Religion News Service Religious minorities — Jews, Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs and Seventh-day Adventists — have filed briefs asking the Supreme Court to overturn a ruling that gutted a civil rights statute’s protections for religious accommodation. Gerald Groff, a former postal worker whose case […]
