ERIE, Penn., July 1, 2019 /Christian Newswire/ — The following is submitted by Mrs. Laura Merriott, President, Save Unborn Life. What would you pay to save an unborn baby from abortion? Save Unborn Life offers abortion-minded women a sum of $3000 to not abort their child, they can keep the baby or give it up for adoption.
Our website is saveunbornlife.org and we welcome you to help convince many more moms to not abort their child. We have saved over 100 unborn babies, and with the help of other pro-life donors, could save many more, what greater gift can one give than to save a baby from abortion?

Jennifer O’Neill the actress and Cover Girl is our spokesperson as her story tells about how she regrets her abortion. She and I will welcome an interview with other pro-life organizations. Call @ 814 835-0249 to get the details on how a donor can say they saved a human life.
We are granted in the Declaration of Independence the rights to LIFE, liberty and pursuit of happiness, you can help these innocent babies have their one chance at life.
SOURCE Save Unborn Life
CONTACT: Mrs. Laura Merriott, 814-835-0249