By Apostle Carmena Cox, SAVED News Guest Editorialist
There are three words released into the hearts and minds of those that this article may reach. It is a word of awareness and warning for believers and unbelievers alike.
1. Refreshing: this word is released to those believers that have said in their hearts that in 2016 they mean business with their walk with the Lord. For this type of person that is living the soldier’s life, walking obedient; God will continually refresh you because you have a heart of repentance (Acts 3:19). You will know him deeper, mysteries of the Kingdom will be revealed to you and your spiritual revenue will be plentiful.
2. Reflection: this word is for the believers that are caught between two opinions, living in carnality (flesh), or in a backslidden condition (not as close as you used to be or want to be). Don’t panic because you feel some type of way because I called you out! It’s fine, all you have to do is look in the mirror at your reflection. Check to see if the image you are looking at resembles the image of your creator and if your life is representative of the finished work of Christ. Examine yourself (reflection) as it is written in 2 Corinthians 13:5, and make the necessary adjustments. God is in covenant with you!
3. Retrospection: This is to the unbeliever. To those who have not yet made the decision to follow Christ. You have been open to this discussion before but have seen a lot about this way of life that you don’t like. However, on the other hand there are things that have happened in your life that cannot be explained by conventional means; some “coincidences” that don’t make sense that worked out in your favor. Now as you indulge in a time of retrospection and look back over and review past events of your own life you will begin to realize that God, your creator; and Yeshua, Jesus the Christ; have been there all along. This realization will bring you to repentance Romans 2:4 and then on to salvation which is the best decision you could ever make in your life!
Now that these words have been released, it’s your assignment to discover which category you fit into. Happy journey with Jesus our Savior. He is alive!