Sadie Robertson, Duck Dynasty and Dancing With The Stars (DWTS) darling is set to star in the upcoming film, “I’m Not Ashamed” the Rachel Joy Scott story. Scott is the teenager that was killed during Columbine for her faith.
Robertson also has a lot more on her plate. Dayspring snagged her to use some of the exerts from her book “Live Original” to be on some of their school gear featured in Walmart.
“When DaySpring came to us and asked if they could put some of what I wrote in my book “Live Original” on school supplies and folders that would then be seen by millions of kids, I got excited,” said Robertson. “Now Champions for Kids is helping get extra folders to families who maybe can’t afford all their school supplies, so that just makes it even better.”
“We’re thrilled to help Champions for Kids, and to partner with Sadie to distribute positive messages to as many kids as possible,” added Jim Hauskey, DaySpring’s vice president of strategic marketing. “DaySpring is about giving people just the right ways to express their faith. These school supplies at Walmart give kids practical tools for school that also help them share and inspire.”
Robertson’s new line of academic composition books, spirals, and folders will be highlighted within the Walmart back-to-school section of each store. Her positive, faith-driven messages on the school supplies – plus the fun polka dots, stripes, hearts and trend-forward colors – are designed to inspire teens and tweens to “Live Original.” The line is available nationwide in 1,900 Walmart stores.
During her visits to two Dallas-area Walmarts on July 7th, Robertson will also announce DaySpring’s donation of more than 100,000 high-quality academic folders for schools and youth-based organizations throughout the country to distribute to students at the beginning of school in August. In fact, DaySpring and Champions for Kids plan to send full pallets of folders to school districts and organizations in 10 different states. Through this donation, DaySpring and Champions for Kids hope to inspire others to participate in SIMPLE Service, a Champions for Kids program that mobilizes local communities to gather and donate resources for children in need.
“This generous donation from DaySpring means that many thousands of children will become more prepared to begin their school year,” said Adelaide Schaeffer, president and CEO of Champions for Kids. “We hope it will inspire others to volunteer and give in their own communities so that kids everywhere can have the resources they need to thrive.”
Robertson remains busy and announces “Live Original LIVE,” an inspirational gathering on Aug. 29 at Lipscomb University’s Allen Arena beginning at 7:00 p.m.
“Live Original LIVE” will highlight those who are following Robertson’s call to ‘live original’ in all areas of their lives, such as in their schools, communities and relationships. The event will feature several speakers and performers, including John Luke and Mary Kate Robertson, Reed Robertson, Cole Robertson, “The Bachelor” couple Sean and Catherine Lowe and the band for KING & COUNTRY.
“This is the most excited I have ever been about any event, and that’s saying a lot!” says the teen who was recently recognized by ABC’s Good Morning America for starting the trend. “We have been praying that this message will touch a lot of lives.”