By Callie Mitchell, SAVED News International Correspondent, Jerusalem, Israel
In his book “Knowledge of the Holy,” AW Tozer describes wisdom as seeing “the end from the beginning.” He further elaborates that “wisdom sees everything in focus, each in proper relation to all” and that “all God’s acts are done in perfect wisdom.” The Lord is the Alpha and Omega (or as we say in Hebrew, the Aleph and Tav), the beginning and the end (Rev 22:13).
In His infinite wisdom, the Lord knew Adam would fall in the garden and He would need to redeem us. His plan of salvation was not in response to this fall as an afterthought to correct Adam’s sin. Rather the cross was planned from the beginning. The word tells us Yeshua was chosen to be the lamb who was slain before the foundation of the world (Rev 13:8, 1 Peter 1:19-20).
The Lord saw the end from even BEFORE the beginning! This is great encouragement in our ability to fully trust Him even when circumstances are hard. He has a plan for grace, redemption, and mercy already set in place.
He has also been good to give us His written word, so that we can see the end from the beginning, too. In our finite human minds, we certainly will not understand God’s plan with His holy and divine clarity, but we know from His word that the world will experience tribulation—wars, and rumors of wars, famine, pestilence, increased martyrdom, natural disasters, apostasy, and trials of all sorts—culminating with the great victory in the return of Messiah Yeshua to the earth!
We are in a pressing season where we see momentum toward so many events prophesied in Daniel and Revelation. In Israel right now, the Green Passport was recently elevated from simply being shown at the door in places requiring it, to now being scanned. Seeing this physically taking place has saddened my heart in the similar to when we were routinely being temperature scanned before entering certain venues back in 2020.
I have no question that this is a precursor to the Mark of the Beast, desensitizing the population to scanning humans for the right to participate in society. Its been interesting to see that some professing believers find this idea over spiritualized, nor do they do not see the seriousness of what is taking place.
Social scientists note that those who lean progressive are “utopian” minded and those who lean conservative are “consequential” in their thinking. I am certainly consequential in my worldview and do not trust utopian-driven ideas outside of the reality of the Millennial Kingdom where Messiah Yeshua will reign. Seeing the end from the beginning— wisdom— is an act of thinking things through consequentially.
Interestingly, the very passage about the Mark of the Beast in Revelation 13 tells us that “this calls for wisdom.” (v. 18) The government established by the Anti-Messiah is the ultimate false utopia. The call to “wisdom” juxtaposes acceptance of this mark, as we are being admonished in scripture to look at this prophesied time through the “end from the beginning” process. Think consequentially. Look and see where things are going.
In no way do I think we should downplay how serious these passports are in shifting the world toward this false utopia. We should speak boldly and truthfully to our neighbors about what is going on. But let me remind you that this eventual mark that we are rapidly headed towards is not the end. Yeshua’s return is the end goal where we should fix our eyes. When we look at Him, everything else will come into focus and we can walk this out in perfect peace! Maranatha!