The Rosetsky Family: Sophie and baby Itay, Ruthie, and Rodrigo. Photo Credit: Rinat Ben Or
By Callie Mitchell, SAVED News International Correspondent, Jerusalem, IsraelThis summer has been a time of tremendous loss for our family, and our Messianic congregation in Israel.
Mid July, our dear friends Rodrigo and Sophie Rosetsky, along with their 2 year old daughter Ruthie, and 2 month old son Itay were hit by a truck while safely parked on the side of the road caring for the baby. With devastation I share that Sophie and the baby died at the scene. Rodrigo, a Major in the Israeli Air Force, was taken to the hospital in critical condition. Sweet Ruthie was miraculously protected and discharged from the hospital the next day. Sadly, Rodrigo succumbed to his injuries and joined his sweet wife and baby boy 9 days later.
I have never walked through something this tragic with friends. The pain of the news hit as a sudden shock followed by complete devastation. Sophie had been a very close friend of mine and Rodrigo, a dear friend and fellow leader in our congregation with Devin. We had prayed through two pregnancies together, with little girls the same age, and we were excited to have sons who would be months apart as well (our newest one arriving in the fall). We had all been together just days before our family traveled to the States for our summer visit. I will always treasure those memories of talking about baby Itay’s calm and peaceful personality, and sharing the Lord with a mutual friend who had not yet met Him.
Sophie and Rodrigo were both solidly committed believers. It gives me peace to know they are in the presence of Messiah Yeshua, and together. Even so, the sadness is so real. There were days following the news we received of Sophie and Itay that I did not even have the words to pray. I could only cry. My sister, who suffered the tragic loss of a baby, reminded me that the Spirit intercedes for us through wordless groans (Romans 8:26) and that my tears were an act of intercession for Rodrigo, before he died, and Ruthie. Even Yeshua wept for Lazarus after he had declared to His disciples that Lazarus’ death for for His glory. He knew He would resurrect His friend to life, yet He still mourned. The Messiah’s tears have been a place of comfort for me remembering our friends.
Like Lazarus, I do trust the Lord will use this tragedy for His glory, as well. We have been amazed by the reporting of the story in the Israeli media. The news outlets have testified of their faith in Yeshua and that they were part of the Messianic Community in Israel. The stories even spelled Yeshua correctly, rather than using he derogatory “Yeshu” that is common among the non believers. Yeshu is an acronym for “may his name and memory be obliterated”, where as Yeshua means “Salvation.” This small detail has been encouraging to those of us grieving this loss. Please continue to pray for Ruthie, who lost her family, and for the Lord to continued to be glorified through the memory of their lives and truth that they sowed.
My heart has been broken for Ruthie. I’m praying for God’s Grace and strength in her life as this part of her story will impact her for the rest of her life. There is no news I can find indicating who will be raising her. Will she be raised in Israel or with American family? I pray for God to do something amazing with her life and to give her comfort beyond compare.