BY : John Wyatt Christian Today
The tech world is abuzz with the extraordinary power of ‘generative AI’, mind-bogglingly complex algorithms that create original text, audio, images, and video, based on patterns learned from vast amounts of training data.
We’re rapidly moving into a world where we won’t know whether a blog, news article, scientific research paper, or even a book was created by a human being, a mindless AI system, or some combination of the two.
The startling rate of progress has led to several high-profile AI experts calling for a six-month moratorium on research into more powerful systems.
Advancing AI technology will continue to transform our world, our workplaces, and our daily lives. It may well bring remarkable improvements in efficiency and productivity, but we mustn’t be naïve and unquestioning.
However attractive and sophisticated these systems might seem, they have an extraordinary capacity for generating disinformation, deception, simulation, and fakery at industrial levels.
Throughout the Bible, a distinction is made between an outward appearance of righteousness and those who live with integrity ‘from the heart’, the hidden core of our being that only God sees and knows.
And, as Christians, we have a special calling to celebrate and safeguard honesty and authenticity, to pursue the common good, and work with God to transform our world, right we are.
Only societies built on the truth can flourish.
Photo: Getty/iStock