BY : Liberty Counsel
Joe Biden is pushing to cede sovereignty to the World Health Organization (WHO) to make global rules that will restrict our freedom at home and abroad. This is a serious threat to American freedom.
Biden wants to give WHO control over Americans, from declaring an epidemic to enacting an emergency response. This includes the approved timetables, treatment protocols, what and how many injections will be mandated, which Vaccine Passports will be recognized and who must have them, and how nations or individuals will be punished for noncompliance.
I struggle to communicate how greatly Joe Biden’s amendments to WHO’s International Health Regulations (IHR) will change the world. On May 22-28, 2022, WHO will convene in Geneva, Switzerland, to vote on the Biden administration’s proposed amendments to the IHR, which would essentially hand over sovereignty to WHO.
We have a short time to stop the most radical scheme to take over America we’ve yet seen. These proposed amendments will erode national sovereignty and erase your personal liberties by giving global authority, including over the United States, to WHO.
On May 12, 2022, the White House met with the “Who’s Who” of globalists. This included the Clinton Health Access Initiative, George Soros’ Open Society Foundations, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance, Google, Mastercard Foundation, World Health Organization, World Bank Group, World Trade Organization, Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, Caribbean Public Health Agency and other governmental and nongovernmental organizations.
These groups want nothing more than to crush America’s independence and make you beg for crumbs of freedom.
I’ll illustrate one of the MANY threats in these amendments: If a doctor prescribed ivermectin to a U.S. patient and WHO does not approve, WHO can drag that doctor and the United States into international court for not following WHO’s directives. If WHO successfully proves its directive was not followed, it can levy massive fines against the individual and the United States.
This is outrageous! It will crush freedom and specifically the independence of the medical profession. WHO will dictate what doctors can prescribe and which medications you can receive.
We must tell Congress to do everything in its power to STOP the WHO amendments. Send your faxes now to members of Congress urging them to stop WHO from taking control of America.
WHO, like the United Nations, has sovereign immunity from lawsuits. This means you cannot take WHO to court when it infringes on your freedom, or when its “directives” (like mandatory jabs) injure you.
WHO has 194 member countries that control 99.94% of the world’s population. Remember, WHO is the organization that launched international Vaccine Passports in March 2022, and instantly two continents and the European Union jumped on board.
We’re fighting HARD against Vaccine Passports! But giving sovereignty to WHO would globalize Vaccine Passports. We have a very short window to stop the WHO amendments!
When our nation was founded, government power was shared and limited through a system of checks and balances. Yet now, the White House is giving away the farm to globalists! This is a huge step toward a ONE-WORLD GOVERNMENT.
This is rank tyranny and is tantamount to treason! And the White House did everything in its power to hide these actions from the public.
On January 18, 2022, officials from the Biden administration quietly sent WHO extensive amendments without an official statement or a single press conference. These proposed amendments are written to strengthen WHO to intervene in the affairs of nations by declaring a “health emergency.”
If these amendments are approved, WHO will have the power to declare an “international health emergency,” nullifying the powers of member nation states to object or refuse to participate.
The contents of the proposed amendments were not made public until April 12, 2022, just ahead of the May 22-28 vote on these amendments. The amendments shrink the 18-month grace period during which a nation may withdraw its “yes” vote for amendments to a mere six months, which will expire before members of Congress elected in the midterm will be seated.
This is a coordinated attack by Joe Biden’s radical administration on America’s sovereignty. Our team is intensely working to counter this threat. Partners like you undergird the mission of Liberty Counsel to make our vital work possible. Donate today through our Challenge Grant to DOUBLE the impact of your gift.