UPDATE: Hospital Reinstates Nutrition and Hydration for Disabled Patient
TUCSON — David Ruiz, a 32-year-old member of the Pascua Yaqui Tribe, is being denied nutrition and adequate hydration at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Tucson. David suffered a brain injury that left him in a coma on December 31. The hospital has not given him any nutrition since January 9 and is only providing a fraction of the fluids he needs to survive. David’s mother, Patricia Adames, is making plans to have her son transferred to a facility that can provide long-term care, but David needs nutrition and fluids immediately. David has two young children, ages 8 and 6.
“Nutrition and hydration are basic human rights. It is outrageous that a hospital would deny these most basic provisions to a disabled patient. Ms. Adames is not looking for the hospital to keep her son indefinitely. She is only asking that they give David the nutrition and hydration he needs in order to be transferred to a facility that can provide appropriate care.” — Alexandra Snyder, Esq., Life Legal Defense Foundation.