A subway police officer pacifies an autistic boy from the meltdown in the Washington, DC subway station. Now they are best friends. The story went viral on social media. People are praising him for his generous work. Taylor Pomilla, the mother of the autistic boy, accompany him to and from school every day. Usually, she uses the subway and it takes about 45 minutes to one hour to reach their destination.
Autistic children are generally more sensitive and may behave differently sometimes. On the way home one day, Andrew was acting differently. Usually, Pomilla keeps some chocolates and iPods or mobile phones which can make Andrew happy while traveling. But that day in June of this year was different. Andrew did not want to sit in his seat. His mother was trying to calm him down, but he was ignoring her.

Pomilla wrote on her Facebook wall, “He started rolling on the floor, screaming, his shoe fell off and he flung it across the train, all while I’m on the floor trying to calm him down (in a dress) with all the candy I had.” She added, “Then he starts kicking, hitting, pulling my hair while everyone in rush hour stares on the train, most thinking I was a bad parent who had an out of control child, even though he can’t help it.” She was trying for about 30 minutes to calm him down.
She decided to get off at another subway station to soothe him. But alas! another 15 minutes she tried, and Andrew was rolling on the station floor this time.
Then a policeman came to the autistic boy, Andrew. He talked with him, gave his official gadgets to pacify Andrew, and it worked dramatically. The police officer offered more help if needed. Pomilla eagerly took help from the generous police officer. He accompanied Andrew home and this time he was playing with the police officer. He also kept the officer’s badge.

She stated, on facebook “The officer ends up riding the metro THE ENTIRE train home with us!!! Whenever he got off he would hold Andrew’s hand and walk with him. He sat next to Andrew as he requested on the train, acted interested as he showed him silly videos, and he even made funny faces in the Instagram face filters when Andrew asked. This officer COMPLETELY went out of his way to help Andrew. He honestly restored my faith that there are good people still left in the world.” Recently she shared a video where Andrew meet with the police officer.
She was very thankful to the police officer and wrote, “find him and give him a raise! He deserves to be recognized for his incredibly kind gesture, and especially for letting Andrew keep the police badge. Thank you, thank you!!”
By: Kazi Musa, SAVED News International Correspondent, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
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