I have served in many capacities of local and statewide leadership such as District chair for State Employees, Vice Statewide EMPAC Chair, Area P EMPAC Chairwoman, MPO for SEIU etc. I have negotiated and worked with legislation Representatives in the House and Senate in Raleigh as well as at the White House. Government and the citizens must work hand and hand, listening to those with needs and implementing the ideas that can bring about necessary change. In other words, I believe in utilizing human resources and joining all leadership to effectuate and bring out change. I am that Change Agent- that is why I am enlisting the citizens of District #1 to allow me to be its Change Agent. I have the background, the network new and vibrant leadership. I have worked the City Commission and Downtown Development. Systematic approach involves more than just sitting in meetings. It involves working in the community, talking with the members in the community, listening walking alongside them to understand their concerns.
My goal is to address every individual’s worth in my district not to leave anyone out this concedes that some need more help than others. It also confirms for me my commitment to bring into mainstream those who have been left behind. Not always with government answers but with Community Resources ( Churches, Civic and Social Organizations and Individuals). I desire to link the resources with the service to allow each individual to be as self- sufficient as possible. There are many individuals that want to help those with the least. Accessibility is to key to all the resources that the City has to offer.
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