Daisy-May Demetre is a 9-year-old girl who was born with a disease called fibular hemimelia where a portion or all of the fibular bones are missing in the leg. As a result, both her legs were amputated at a very young age and were supported artificially ever since. However, this disability hasn’t stopped her from breaking records of beauty standards.
Daisy-May started her modeling career at the age of 8. She has walked the ramps for starting from River Island, all the way to London kid’s fashion week. Her graceful strength caught the eyes of the designer, Eni Hegedűs-Buiron, of Lulu et Gigi. With utmost respect, Daisy-May was invited to walk the catwalk at New York Fashion Week.

The assertive young lady was the first ever to walk the ramp being a double amputee. Eni Hegedűs-Buiron expressed his perspective to BBC News as; “I was asked if I was OK with having an amputee walk in my show. To be honest I was surprised by the question. For me, a child is a child and thus is beautiful and perfect.”
“So of course I said yes.”
Alex Demetre, Daisy’s father, proudly said in the interview with BBC that; “Daisy is going to be making a little bit of history, it is a good thing she is first to do it, but going forward, we want child amputees to be modeling at these shows all the time. Disability doesn’t stop you; it definitely doesn’t stop Daisy. She is fitter than most grown men I know.
“But the modeling doesn’t define her, it is just a part of what does,” he added. “She just does Daisy, the way she goes about life with a smile on her face.
Further, he expressed; “Daisy walked it like a professional and had fun doing it. She felt really proud of herself for what she achieved.”
Daisy-May is leading the path of all the others who have a way but no will due to lack of confidence. Today, she is a brave gymnast and does modeling and advertisements for popular brands like Nike, Matalan, and a lot more. Behold! She is all set to walk and ace the ramp of the upcoming Paris Fashion Week at the top of the Eiffel tower.
By: Nehla Zohaira, SAVED News International Correspondent, South Asia
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